Luxury Boarding Kennels
01501 510155 or 07928 053272

Robasdan Kennels are Jim & Shona Robertson.

Training and competing with gundogs was what peaked our interest in working with dogs for more than just normal good behaviour. In the early eighties Jim was a well respected and knowledgeable trainer in the gundog community.
After a small break from gundogs we stumbled onto the german shepherds world and found our way into showing. This is where we discovered IPO training and have since been training our own dogs to compete in working trials.
Shona's Pampered Pooches , is a part of this growing family business, and was born from this love for working around dogs so when we got the chance to set up the grooming salon we jumped at it.
Having our own kennels seemed like a distant dream so when that opportunity presented itself, we both grabbed it and so here we are.
We also show and exhibit our German Shepherds in the UK under the ROBASDAN affix and have been fortunate to have achieved the title of Adult Siegerin 2015 with our home bred bitch Robasdan Femme Fatale aka Charley
and we have also made up our first long coat champion British Regional Champion Impranah Zante aka Brodie.

Why us?
We are aware of the concerns pet owners may have and the anxiety associated with that initially placement of their pets in the care of boarding kennels.
So in an effort to try and dispel this, we wholeheartedly encourage all our prospective customers to come along and meet us.
We would be more than delighted to show you what we have on offer.

We are fully licensed and insured,
with a vet on call 24/7.
For more information on our boarding policies please see our T & C's page.