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Robasdan Boarding Contract 2020.

If you have any questions or concerns about anything contained within these conditions please don't hesitate to talk with us. Please ensure all details are correct before signing.

  • Dogs must be dropped off between 10.00 and 15.00,
  • Dogs being collected is between 09.00 – 17.00 . If dogs are collected before 10.00am then daily rate does not apply to day of collection. After 10.00am customers will be charged daily rate.
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  • £20 per week NON REFUNDABLE booking fee is required to secure kennel
  • Services provided must be paid for in full before or on collection. We accept all major credit and debit cards and cash.
  • If you fail to present your pet/pets for boarding within 48 hours of the first day of your booking you agree that your booking will be cancelled.
  • An up to date vaccination card must be produced before any guest is admitted to the kennel. 
  • KENNEL COUGH. This is caused by an airborne infection and thus outside our control. We will never knowingly accept a dog with the condition, but as incubation can exceed 10 days it may not be detectable prior to arrival,. THE OWNER therefore accepts that this hazard exists, especially at busy times. Kennel Cough Vaccination IS RECOMMENDED and must be administered at least 4 weeks prior to 1st day in kennels. THIS IS A SAFETY PRECAUTION ONLY.
  • It is the owners responsibility to furnish all relevant medical history when making your booking. You are authorizing us to contact your own vets should we require further information regarding your pet's condition, at any time.
  • Dogs are accepted at owners own risk. While we provide every possible care and attention to your dogs we will not be held responsible for any injury or illness that may arise during their stay. In case of illness or accident while in our care, we reserve the right to use our own vet, ALORA Veterinary Hosp Whitburn. Any vet fees incurred will be the responsibility of the owner therefore it is recommended that owners provide details of their own pet insurance for the duration of the stay. If injury or illness is deemed to be caused by the neglect of Robasdan Boarding Kennels, the fees will be claimed back via our insurer.  
  • All dogs will be walked on a lead. we will only exercise dogs off lead with signed consent from owner on the booking form. If you wish dogs to be mixed, signed consent is also required.
  • Owners are welcome to arrange a visit to view our kennels and meet the staff who will be looking after your dogs. We will accept no responsibility for any accident or injury whilst on the premises.
  • Robasdan reserve the right to take any action they see fit if the dog is not collected after 2 weeks of the requested departure date(unless departure date has been extended by confirmation in writing)
  • Any belongings left with your pet are left at client's risk. We cannot guarantee items will be returned in same condition.
  • In the highly unlikely event of death while in our care, Robasdan will contact emergency contact for confirmation on how to proceed unless otherwise informed by owner.

 I undertake to abide by these terms & conditions on every occasion my pet/pets are boarded at Robasdan Kennels.


Call us on 01501 510155 or 07928 053 272

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